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A Moment of Darkness (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Fairbairn Book 3) Page 2
A Moment of Darkness (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Fairbairn Book 3) Read online
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Folding the paper, Elizabeth finished up her coffee quickly. “You know what! I am going to the college today. Want to go with me?” Elizabeth’s tone was hopeful and full of life.
“How about I go with you?” A voice from the doorway interrupted. Sari. Elizabeth smiled and nodded. “Good. Go get ready and we’ll get some breakfast and make a day of it.”
Elizabeth looked at her aunt and thought, ‘you told her didn’t you.’ Her only reply was a smile. Elizabeth leaned in and gave her aunt a quick peck on the cheek and gave a mental reply, ‘thank you, you always know what I need.’
Once Elizabeth was upstairs and out of earshot of the women her mother looked at her sister, “I appreciate you waking me up and letting me know what was going on.” She checked her watch and made a mental count of the travel time and what else they could get into. There would still be hours before the school opened.
Reba sat at the table quiet for a few minutes deep in thought before she quietly responded, “Her thoughts are chaotic. Have you heard from the elves at all?”
Sari just shook her head no and took another sip of coffee, letting her sister work out her thoughts. “Well, this isn’t going to go so well for any of us if she doesn’t get control. The power building and built up inside her is ravaging her control and soon she won’t have any.”
“Is it that bad?”
“She won’t admit it but Devlon keeps appearing in her dreams even when she doesn’t think she is calling him. She thinks it's him invading her dreams when really the power and the heartbreak inside her is subconsciously calling him. Her only other option for a partner.” She released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.
“Devlon? I had hoped she’d be stronger with this Wesley issue.”
“Well, if she were a regular teen or even average witch it’d not be an issue. Right now, her power is calling out to the only other being who compares to hers… Devlon. He has the other amulet, ya know!”
With her hands wrapped around the hot coffee mug, Sari’s head dropped with sadness. Her daughter had come so far in less than a year… too far. Her power should never have been hidden from her, then she’d be able to handle this so much better. It was her fault. Devlon having the matching amulet only meant trouble, it alone would call out to its mate and that was dangerous.
Her sister reached out and caressed her forearm lovingly, knowing her thoughts she could only say, “What you did was what you thought you had to do. Now, we have to help her. If we can.”
“If?” Sari looked scared when she questioned her aunt.
Reba twisted her mouth and shrugged a tiny bit, “We can only help her when she lets us. I have a feeling that the darkness in her is growing and we are in for one helluva ride.”
Papers in hand, Elizabeth and Sari walk up to the community college and head to the admissions office. They spent the last hour at a coffee shop talking about Elizabeth’s goals for school. Still a bit distracted, Elizabeth couldn’t shake the revelation that had been made to her that very morning.
As they walked up to the admissions counter, they were greeted by a small red-headed lady with glasses that slid down on her nose as she peered over the counter at them. “Good morning. How can I help you ladies?”
Elizabeth leaned forward, “I’d like to get registered. I’ve done all the paperwork online already but wanted to come in to register and see the school some more.” The redhead nodded and smiled some more, “I brought my mom this time, so she could see the school as well.”
Shuffling papers around the woman looked around then grabbed her keyboard, “Ok. What is your name?”
“Elizabeth Fairbairn.” The woman hesitated then typed in her name. “Do you need me to spell that?”
“Oh. Oh no dear. I have it.”
Sari glanced at Elizabeth, they both noticed the hesitation. Elizabeth raised a brow. “Ah yes. Here you are. I see you want to take Holistic Medicines.” Her voice quivered, as if she was afraid. She wouldn’t look either of the women in the eyes.
Elizabeth cleared her throat causing the woman to jump a bit, “Yes. Holistic Medicines.” Looking to her mother again, Elizabeth didn’t understand what was happening.
Sari spoke next, “Rachel, is everything okay?”
The woman froze. Sari knew who she was and remembered her very well. Rachel Oslow was a former coven member who left before Sari had. Sari was sure it was her and by her response to her name it had been confirmed. The small statured woman glanced up at Sari, with a small peep, “Yes. Fine,” then quickly looked back at the computer screen staring at her.
Sari swallowed hard, looking between the two women deciding how to respond to this situation without making a scene. “Elizabeth, this is Rachel Oslow. You remember the story about the woman who was banished from the Council for practicing dark magic? Well this is her.” Rachel visibly froze in fear. Sari tapped the counter, “But I’m sure she still doesn’t do such things and will be more than willing to help a pair of fellow witches…”
Rachel slowly looked up at Sari, wondering if this was a trap. Should she admit to still practicing dark magic the Council would come for her, but if she lied Sari would know. Avoidance was her only way out. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, “Of course I'll take good care of you both! Let’s look at the schedule and see what we can get you into.” Sari wasn’t fooled by Rachels change in tone, she saw the dark items on her desk but wanted to make her feel more comfortable. She wanted this to go off without a hitch, Elizabeth needed something positive and Sari was determined to give that to her.
Setting Elizabeth up with an advisor, Rachel was able to get them away from her. In the advisors office the three went over all the courses available for the semester and set up a tour of the school. Two hours later and Elizabeth was fully registered, had her books in hand and was finishing up a quick tour.
Just as the two came out of the college, Sari’s hair on her neck stood on end. She froze and started to scan the area, Jeremy. Her son stood next to their car, tall and slender with eyes identical to hers were looking back at her. Her heart broke. She knew she’d failed him but all she could do was try and reach her son now. Maybe there was a chance he’d change. Elizabeth saw her mother’s emotions, but it wasn’t her who spoke up, it was him. “Mom. Sis. So, we’ll be classmates again?” He folded his arms across his chest and leaned back on the car with a sly smile, his voice filled with venom.
Elizabeth gave a fake smile, “I sure hope so. I’d love to have labs with you again.” Sarcasm seeped out of every word as she spoke slowly, although he was good at science.
He raised a brow, his head tilted just a bit and his eyes scrunched just slightly, “Oh, now that would be fun. We could have fun. Together. Just like it should be.” He pushed off the car and stepped forward. Standing mere inches from his mother he looked down at her, “Will I get to see more of you, mother?” His tone shifted to soft and enduring, almost authentic of the emotion he showed.
Sari reached a hand up and cupped his face and his eyes closed as if drank in the gesture, “Son. I would love to see more of you.” She tapped his face gently, “Just leave your father behind.” Her face was expression free and that made Jeremy’s smile grow large. “Want to join us for lunch?” Sari asked as she walked past her son to open the car door. Standing just inside the door she turned towards him, tossing in her purse she waited for some type of reply.
Jeremy didn’t face his mother; instead, he turned towards Elizabeth. Watching her every move and reaction. Elizabeth played this game with her brother, she wasn’t about to let him intimidate her. She slowed her breathing and hid her powers slowly so there was no hint of what she was up to. Raising a brow to her brother she spoke with no infliction, “Well, will it be lunch today brother?”
He licked his lips as he thought and let his eyes drop to the ground. He was standing down, for now. He came to see how the two would react to seeing him for the first time since the coven battle.
Neither woman showed remorse for going against him and his father, but neither showed pride for beating them either. Had they been boastful, the day would be very different. Pushing off the car, he rubbed his chin, “No,” he turned to Sari, “mother. I don’t think today is good for me.” He pointed a thumb towards the college, “I need to go in and register. Looks like both your children will be college students this year.” With those last few words, he looked at Elizabeth, then walked off towards the entrance of the school.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes and hopped into the car. Tossing her books and paperwork in the backseat, “So, what’s for lunch?” Sari laughed. As they pulled out, Sari saw Jeremy standing in the parking lot watching them leave. Elizabeth noticed her mother’s attention at the mirror and turned to look, “What’s that all about?”
Sari looked forward again and sighed, “I have no idea, but it can’t be good. Did you read him?”
“No.” Elizabeth looked down disappointed she hadn’t thought of it, “I was more focusing on covering my power and watching him that I didn’t even consider it.”
Her head whipped quickly to face her daughter, her tone harsh, “Hide your powers? Now? Every witch in a hundred-mile radius knows what you are capable of!” Elizabeth’s eyes grew to the size of saucers, she tried to stammer out a response, but nothing would work. She hadn’t seen her mother so furious in quite some time, it was frightening. With the reaction Elizabeth gave, Sari realized she was being quite harsh and relaxed her body. Laying a soft hand on her daughter's leg, she gently said, “I know you went with your instinct. It’s not your fault but hiding your powers around someone who already knows won’t do any good. Next time think one step ahead. Okay.” Elizabeth nodded solemnly.
Chewing on her lip, Sari flicked the turn signal on the car to go right. Pulling out onto traffic she scanned the area and hit the gas. She knew where she needed to go, and it was in the opposite direction of home. Elizabeth tried to read her mother’s thought, but Sari was good at keeping them safe.
“You went where?” Raina’s voice went up an octave. Whether it was shock or anger it didn’t matter, what mattered was the result it got.
Sari paced around the back room as if trying to dodge her sisters' stares which could’ve been deadly daggers. Chewing on her nail nervously, Sari responded, “Yes. There. I. Know. But what choice did I have?” She threw her hands up and faced them both. “Jeremy was at the college. Elizabeth didn’t even try to read him instead she said she was trying to cover her powers. I mean does that even make sense.” She pointed between the two sisters,” She is not thinking right. I had to find out anything I could!”
Reba plopped down on a stool, “So, you went to the Charles sisters? That could cost you, us, a lot in the end.” She shook her head, “Maybe I should’ve said something sooner. I don’t know.” Now both Raina and Sari looked at her in confusion, she flicked her hands to have them both sit so they did. “Elizabeth has been dream walking and calling to Devlon. Only she doesn’t realize it. This morning before y’all went to the college Devlon revealed something to her in a dream and she has closed me off since. I’m not positive but the way she keeps rubbing that pendant… I think he has the match.”
Both women gasped, hands flying up to cover their gaping mouths. Nearly in unison they squeaked, “That can’t be!”
“It would explain a lot. With Wesley gone and not to be heard from, we are virtually unguarded and unprepared to deal with such a duo.” Reba mindlessly picked at some mint in front of her, not looking at her sisters.
Raina slapped at Reba’s hands, “Stop messing up my mint! And what do you mean explains a lot.”
Dropping her head back, she let out a sigh of disgust. “Well you know I can read minds. Hear thoughts. Well, I hear a lot of Elizabeth’s when she is not guarded. Devlon has been on her mind a lot. She is tormented by the abandonment of Wesley and his house. She doesn’t realize that it is perfectly normal for others to leave while Coven battles happen.”
“Can you reach him?” It was Sari who spoke up this time. Her eyes were hopeful.
Reba shrugged, “I’ve tried both him and his mother.”
“Well?” The two quipped back.
She shook her head, “Nothing. If they are getting my messages they are not responding. I can only do so much.”
Sari stood, “We need to make a plan. We need to gather the council and find out what is happening. Jeremy showing up. Devlon in Elizabeth's dreams. They are up to something and that can’t be good.”
“Uh huh. First, you need to sit down and tell us what happened at the Sister's house! “Raina demanded, grabbing Sari’s arm and pulling back to her seat.
Running a hand through her wild hair Sari did just that. “I asked for help with Jeremy and Edom.” She looked at her sisters worried, “they said if they told me anything, which they were glad to do, it would cost me. An amount obviously I can’t pay.” She looked between the two again, “but they did give a free warning.” She swallowed hard, “to keep Elizabeth as for from them and Devlon as possible. Then they asked why I ever came back home. I don’t think they wanted me to know what they’ve seen. I think they want this to all play out.”
The three sisters wrapped up their heated talk and began refreshing the wards in the house and around the grounds, making them stronger. Calling a council gathering like one not seen in decades and all without Edom and his companions finding out was going to be difficult. They weren’t just calling in the other nine members, but also their practicing family members. The Fairbairn sisters intended to use every asset to their advantage. They’d meet in three days and figure out what is going on.
Elizabeth had gone to her room as soon as she got home and stayed there all evening. She had a lot to think about after her mother took her to some crazy ladies house. Elizabeth laid on her bed staring at the ceiling, recalling she had called them the Charles sisters then proceeded to make her sit outside in the car, not that that had kept her from listening into their thoughts. The sisters didn’t want Sari to know their information, so they came up with an absurd amount of silver and gold for payment, knowing the witch couldn’t pay. What they didn’t realize was Elizabeth was already in their minds.
The three sisters, Lucy, Lacy, and Lani all had similar dark thoughts… Should Elizabeth turn to Devlon due to the abandonment of Wesley, the councils future would surely be in trouble. Elizabeth could see the scene that played in their heads…destruction, death, and despair. Looking at their thoughts it seemed that they wanted this, they would benefit from this since they had no coven of their own. Once Edom realized their prophecy to be true they would surely be welcome to a coven then, a strong coven where the witches, female and male alike, no longer played nursemaid to the humans. Elizabeth could see that the sisters were more than just trouble, they were the cause of much of it.
Digging deeper into their minds Elizabeth discovered that Lani was the cause of Edom’s betrayal almost twenty years ago. She twisted his mind in believing that the witches didn’t have to follow the original agreement with the Seraphim and shouldn’t have to protect the humans any longer. Recounting all this in her mind, Elizabeth released an exhausting sigh as she pulled a pillow over her face and screamed into it.
Suddenly, Elizabeth sat straight up in the bed. Something called to her, something pulled her attention to the here and now. Slowly scanning her room, she couldn’t figure it out. Closing her eyes, grasping her pendant, she reached out with her power to find the source of the interruption, a slow smile crept up on her face. She softly walked to the window and looked out, down to the spot where she first saw the doe. It was real. The doe was not a vision like she had once thought. The doe took a step back, looking directly at her. It seemed to call to her, then it walked back into the woods. Curiosity got the best of her and she needed to know what it was with this doe and why it seemed to be interested in her. She was not about to dismiss this again. She always had a way with animals, looking ov
er to her cat, Ethne, who was curled up on the shelf above her bed. Elizabeth knew this animal called to her. She knew she had to answer it.
It was near midnight when Elizabeth walked out the back door into the yard. The ground was covered in a light mist with an even lighter fog starting to cover the landscape. Looking up at her room then out to the spot where she had spotted the doe, Elizabeth could see its eyes reflecting back in the light of the moon. She slowly made her way towards the doe, it never moved. Its ears twitching and tail flicking back and forth, it waited for her. The doe seemed to call to her, beckoning her to the woods, to its safety yet into its unknown dangers.
The doe turned its head towards the deeper woods as Elizabeth grew closer. Hesitating for a moment, not sure that she should follow, the doe looked back at her, tilting her head then leading on. Elizabeth followed without another delay.
The doe brought Elizabeth to a clearing in the deep woods after about ten minutes of walking. Elizabeth guessed this part of the forest was no longer on her aunt's property, more likely part of the elven land beginning to go up the mountain. Squatting, she reached out to touch the ground. Elizabeth closed her eyes and said some inaudible spell that revealed she was indeed on elven land. Standing she turned toward the doe, “Why do you call to me? Why bring me here?”
The doe walked behind a giant oak and a moment later a beautiful elven woman strolled out the other side. Standing before Elizabeth, the elf smiled. She looked over Elizabeth, looking deep at her aura, her heart, and into her soul. She lifted a hand to cup witches cheek. Elizabeth grabbed her hand, “I don’t know you elf. You will not touch me. You see enough. Talk or I leave!” A small laugh from deep within the elves chest could be heard. She had been told about Elizabeth and her temper and she was living up to the stories.